Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Hello , I'm Mas Anizan bt. Jaafar . When im crying just trying to make me cold because I want to always be happy and make me forget the problems. I want to be strong and brave to face all the trials to come♥

well bitch , you're embarrassing yourself y'know . you talk about us and we don't give a fuck . and talk about us on your facebook status won't makes any different . we dgaf if you feels like we annoyed you , lol how do you not realize how annoying you are to most of the people ? if you got a problem with us , tell us . we know that we are more way cooler than you and totally more interesting . oh at least we don't talk about you to other people , you are so lifeless and low self-esteem .

Nuriana Anis
kau tawu tak yg kiteorg sume tak suke kau still jgk rapat ngn aku.. da laa gedik semcm je kau nie.. bajet good2 je..hahahaha... choi pnye pompuan..
law bgus sgt kau mnri tape ler....hakktuii..

the reason we don't like you just because of your attitude . premature , kiddo -.-
panas panas ! setiap hari semakin panas . ayat makin pedas !
Wah makin hebat kata2 kau kan! Dah lah bajet2 bagus -__- ! Gedik gilerrr , hahaha . *please take a note !
peerrgghhhh bapak bajet kau ! aku nak tengok sebagus mana kau ! jaga perangai kau yg gedik tu sebelom kena pijak ! :)

KENAPE ORANG LAIN KUTUK KAU ? Tak pernah terpikir ka disebapkan perwatakan kau lah org kutuk kau . so pikir dulu sebelum kau nak ckp and tlong ubah perwatakan kau klw tanak org kutuk oukey :D
tak payah nak akak sangat lahh . Geli pulak aku dengar kalau perangai bagus tapew . niyh tak mcm apew !!
Kau cakap jew terus terang dgn aku tapayah nk tye or bagi thu dkat org laen . Aku tak penah ambik thu pasal kau pon . Than kau buat mcm niyh tak panas pulak aku . Aku dh HORMAT kau cukup baek lahh kawan . LAME =='
Kalau dalam FB jew gempak but depan2 tak berani buat pape simpan jew la status kau to oukey to belagak namenye Chot !!

Shafiq Izzuddin
patutlah kau text lelaki lain , sebab lelaki kau muka mintak kaki je .

WEH KITERANG NI ASYEK BERGOSSIP , CARI PASAL AND BLA BLA BLAA , AHHA :) BUAT DOSA AJEKANNN . sudah sudah doe , dia tuu budak so kita tunggu aje acano dia . dia cabar kita kan so kita tunggu dia yang start ok . be matured ok dear <3