Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Hello , I'm Mas Anizan bt. Jaafar . When im crying just trying to make me cold because I want to always be happy and make me forget the problems. I want to be strong and brave to face all the trials to come♥


                              sweetDATE : 22 july 2010
                                  sweetDAY : Thursday
                                 sweetTIME : 02:22am
                                you are mine . MINE !!!

Sayang , My love is sincere and it is only for you . You made me so happy , you made me smile , you made me cry && i am so blessed to have been with you there is something about you I cant explain . You are bubbly , you're Crazy and you're are my sunshine . Sayang sometime , you're handsome , you're Flirt also gewdikk , you're everthing to me and you're always on my mind always and always be my CHENTA && RINDU :) SAYANG,
 Muhamad Fariza Jamil So² Muchh ! Mishyouuuu <3