Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Hello , I'm Mas Anizan bt. Jaafar . When im crying just trying to make me cold because I want to always be happy and make me forget the problems. I want to be strong and brave to face all the trials to come♥


i go around life not knowing exactly what I'm doing and where I'll end up but that's what makes it so beautiful . I love the arts more than anything and all the wonderful crazy people . I don't like to take things too seriously , enjoy life because we only live once.I am good , but im not an angel . I do sin , but im not the devil . im just a SMALL GIRL in a BIG WORLD that trying to find who she really are and i want to grow without facilities . i want to have courage to be loyal to the face i have made .

MAS ANIZAN JAAFAR  , she was a girl who knew HOW TO BE HAPPY even when SHE WAS SAD . i dont like to be sad , but what can i do . its a part of life, i have to face it . life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.Its a dream for the wise, a game for the fool , a comedy for the rich , a tragedy for the poor .


People always told me life is thing that you cant find but you have to create it by yourself . is it true ? for me , no matter what , you're going to mess it up . its hard to find a better life . All of us need to believe that we are loved and are lovable . 

i have to REMEMBER one thing , some come , some go but the ones that stay with you through everything , they youre BEST FRIENDS . Some of them will break your heart . But we cant give up because if we give up , we will never find our soulmate .

Therefore , i want to believe in myself . i want to recognize my strenghts , even i have to list all of them down . i believe that everything happen for a reason.people change so that you can learn to let go . Things go wrong , so that u can appreciate them . i believe in lies . if you believe in lies , you eventually will learn to trust no one but YOURSELF . 

Just because you FAIL once , doesnt mean i failed at everything . i'll keep trying hold on , and always believe in myself . keep your head high,keep your chin up and most importantly keep smiling because life a beautiful things and theres so much to smile about .Dream as if you'll live forever , live as if you'll die today.